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A set of 7 online mindfulness sessions

The Seven Attitudes of Mindfulness are based on the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, who established the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre in 1979 and subsequently the Centre for Mindfulness. He developed the now world-famous programme called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), from which most modern mindfulness programmes in Western cultures are derived today.

The seven mindfulness attitudes, which are the major pillar of the MBSR programme, are non-judging, patience, a beginner’s mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance and letting go. Practicing formal meditation of these attitudes is crucial to cultivate the ability to calm the mind and to relax the body.

Each session is therefore designed to help employees to set out attitudinal basis of practicing mindfulness meditation. However, the ultimate benefit occurs when the individual recognises that these attitudes can be applied to everyday life improving mental health and wellbeing.

We offer a set of seven online mindfulness sessions for £500.

Each 30 minutes session is structured as follows: 5 minutes introduction, 20 minutes guided mindfulness session and 5 minutes for any questions.


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